Goals of the assocoation

Egyesület céljai


subjects (tbd)


Tax stamps in Austria

Card makers in the Hapsburg Monarchy



(the links lead to pages in German)


This website is designed and operated by TALON, the Austro-Hungarian Playing Card Association. The content has so far only been written in German. In order to give international playing card researchers and friends an insight into the variety of topics that can be found here, we have made a few selected articles from our publications available in English here.

The following studies are currently available:

Life and work of selected makers of playing-cards

History of the playing-card production in selected cities

  • Eger (Cheb), Bohemia (finally contains the answer to the question that has puzzled researchers for more than 100 years as to who created the "most beautiful Deuce card in Bohemia")
  • Neuhaus (Jindřichův Hradec), Bohemia
  • Agram (Zagreb), Croatia (with a connection to Graz/Styria)
  • Prague, Bohemia  (detailed monograph on the production of playing cards from the beginning to the end of the monarchy - caution, large file!)
  • Tyrnau (Trnava), Slovakia

Some remarkable playing-cards


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